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*Please note that the following links are affiliate links to our partners. We receive a commission for referrals.

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  • Free Online Counselling Chat 24 7
  • Connect with Sympathetic Community Members
  • Our Community is Forever Free

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  • Unlimited therapy and a full session during trial.
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  • Get the help you need for your relationship, depression and anxiety.

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Affiliate Disclosure: Please note that the partner links above are affiliate links and we receive commission if you purchase their products or services.

Getting started with Free Online Therapy and entering our 24 7 free online therapy chat room and free online counselling chat to talk to a therapist or volunteer is simple. Below you'll find the 3 steps you'll need to take in order to get started. Don't forget, you can always visit our FAQ in the navigation menu for additional answers, and our guide to free online therapy.

Create a Free Account

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Creating an account on Free Online Therapy is completely free and always will be.

Select 'Listener' or 'Venter'

Select 'listener' to volunteer to listen to another member, and select 'venter' to match with someone else who will listen.

Chat & Feel Better

Chatting and talk therapy is widely recognized to help alleviate stress, anxiety, and even deprepression.

We have included three options above that will help you select the best way for you to talk to a counsellor online, free. This includes talking to a volunteer (not professionally licensed) or a volunteer in our online therapy chat room.


This option is for individuals looking to enter and experience our free online counseling chat rooms. These chat rooms include volunteer members from our community who will listen to you, hear your problems, and provide support and guidance when appropriate. These chat rooms are available 24 7 and will always be completely free.

Online Therapy

This is the most professional and industry-leading option for online therapy, and because of our partnership, we are able to offer you a free trial to try free online therapy at no risk to you. This is the best option for individuals looking to talk to a therapist free.

Relationship Counselor

Chat with a professionally licensed relationship counselor. These counselors are professionally trained to help, and we are able to provide you with a free trial. Spartan slots casino reviews. Simply select that you are looking to do relationship counseling when you sign up.

Why use our free online therapy and free online counselling chat room?

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Free Online Therapy was made with love in Phoenix, Arizona. In addition to the three reasons outlined below, the individuals in our organization truly care about the well-being of our community members. Please never hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. Visit the Contact Us page to send us a message.

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Our community of listeners is composed of real, genuine people who want to help.

It's Available 24 7

Get help right from your home or mobile phone, whenever it's convenient for you.

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It's Free

Free Online Therapy is just as it sounds, completely free! While paid professional therapy has its place, so does free therapy.

Below we have included additional online therapy and counseling resources that will help you on your journey to recovery from anxiety, depression, and other forms of mental illness. Please visit our advice section in our navigation menu for additional resources.

Please note that this resource includes our counseling partner BetterHelp and we receive commission on referrals.

Will D

'I started using Free Online Therapy two months ago and it's made a tremendous impact on my life. I'm so thankful there are individuals always there when I need them.'

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'I'm not going to lie. Going through a divorce with two kids was absolute awfulness. I turned to Free Online Therapy late one night when I had no one to talk to, and I've used it every week since.

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If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger - don't use this site. These resources can provide you with immediate help.